Transformers: Age of Extinction - 27 June 2014
Set five years after Dark of the Moon, Transformers: Age of Extinction sets out to continue the franchise, taking a new path in more than one way.
The movie hits teather TODAY and long with the movie release, Jack of all Trades has some awesome new Transformers Designs for you enjoy.
Earth to Echo - 2nd July 2014
We got in for an early screening of this movie, not knowing quite what it would be, just that it had kids and a cute little alien.
Check out Chris Stuckmann's review wearing Jack of all Trades X-Men Tee!
Guardians of the Galaxy - 1st August 2014
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - 8 August 2014
Four mutant warriors fight to save their city from an evil kingpin.
Jack of all Trades Update: New TMNT Tank Top - Group