Are you a fan of Beaker, Animal, or Fozzie? We are too! In fact, we have some irresistible Muppets t-shirts in our lineup. Muppets is an iconic brand that goes way back to 1955 and the memorable Jim Henson. Jack of All Trades Clothing wants to celebrate Spring by letting you in on a little secret (just for our dedicated fans!).
Ready? Can we have an Animal-type drum roll, please? ALL of our Muppets t-shirts are going on sale on April 19th. How much, you ask? We've marked these shirts down from $25 to $22. BUT, that's not all. At Jack of All Trades Clothing, our sales aren't the ordinary kind.
For 72-hours, you can get an additional 10% off of these amazing Muppets designs.
As you know, we only make a few of each design at Jack of All Trades Clothing, that's just how we roll. That means that you have 72-hours (starting April 19th) to grab your favorite, made in the Americas, Jack of All Trades Muppets design.
Just to recap: all of our Muppets t-shirts are on sale for $22 starting April 22nd -- PLUS an additional 10% off these designs for a limited time (72-hours). Wocka, Wocka, What Are You Waiting For? Check out our selection here!