Ant Man Exclusive Poster - Marvel Studios will be sharing this weekend at Comic Con

YouDunno Jack


Today is the first day of SDCC and it is kicking off with all kinds of great news and sneak peaks of all that is to come from the world of Comics onto the big and small screens around the World. If you are there let us know what you are seeing. We want to hear about it all from Batman vs. Superman to the coming of Antman, Justice League, everything Marvel and everything DC. We also want to really know what they are going to be showing the world that will be coming to the small screens this fall. Send us pics of Robert Downey Jr., our favourite! Get all the news on Ant-Man, set to start shooting in August so we know there is going to be a lot said this weekend and hopefully the cast of Paul Rudd as Scott Lang, Michael Douglas as Pym who plays a scientist the level of ingenuity of Tony Stark. These are the two leading men of the movie 


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