Thank You Endast, Montreal's Heavy Metal Band
Andrea ColumbuShare
Jack of all Trades, has evolved a lot over the past few years, and as part of our social commitment, we are giving back to the community. We strongly believe that doing something, anything good for the community you live in and paying it forward are strong motivators that drive you to wanting to do more. Whether you donate money or time, clothes or food, giving back is beneficial. And that's why Jack of all Trades has teamed up with Montreal-Heavy Metal Band, ENDAST to help the less fortunate by handing out some new t-shirts.
"We connect to the things that are important and we want to help in any way we can that makes sense to us".
Let's see what came out of this:
Endast & Jack Of All Trades Doing What We Can To Help
Endast & Jack Of All Trades Clothing Part 2!
Again thank you Endast for being such nice guys and helping us spread some love and hope.